8 Ways to Keep Up with Your Training Without Stopping

  Getting into a fitness training regimen can be difficult to begin, but what may be even harder than starting, is in staying with it. After the first couple of days of training, you may experience muscle soreness, fatigue, or tightness, but this is just your body’s response to getting in shape. Pushing your muscles…

7 Days of Fat-Melting Meals

Meet your new nutrition secret weapons: nuts, eggs, salmon, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, avocado, spinach, berries, whole grains, and dark chocolate. Each of these foods works in a different way to zap fat and make you sleeker, says Neva Cochran, RD, a nutrition consultant based in Dallas. The high protein content of nuts and eggs…

9 Workout Essentials That Make Exercise Easier

The Fitness Tools You Need for a Safe, Effective Program Are you getting ready to start a workout program? Perhaps you want to make your current exercise sessions more effective. Either way, having key workout essentials can boost your motivation, make fitness sessions easier and help you lose fat faster. Whether you are beginning a workout…

Boost Your Workout Plan

Not getting the results you want from your exercise plan? If your workout plan needs a boost, then it’s time to go back to basics. You may have skipped some essential steps when you set up the plan in the first place. Check this list of 7 easy things you can do to get your…

Best 10 Fat Burning Smoothies That Actually Work

A smoothie is a blessing from heaven. It’s a blended, or at times a sweetened drink, which is typically prepared from fruits, vegetables, peanut butter etc. The exceptional ingredients like crushed ice, frozen fruit, honey, syrup and other ice ingredients are also used to make different and magnificent types of smoothies. Some folks use milk and yogurt…

ABS Circuit Workout (no gym needed)

I know how hard it is to loose your tummy fat and tone your core muscles. It’s been my main goal for the past 4 years and it still is! I very proudly managed to loose 10 cm within that period of time AND significantly strengthen my core muscles, but I still haven’t achieved my goal (mainly…

10 Minute Home Bodyweight Abs Crusher Workout

We are going to provide you with 9 bodyweight exercises, that consist of using only 10 minutes of your time, to help achieve a defined 6-pack! These moves will force your abs to become strong and defined and you do not need a gym or any equipment. It’s important to warm-up your abs before you…

The 5 Rules Of Morning Workouts

Don’t start your day hating life. Launch yourself out the door and get your blood flowing with these morning workouts! Mornings are, to put it bluntly, hell for some of us. The sound of the alarm clock violently ringing in our ears rips us out of rest and puts us instantly in a bad mood….

Best Fitness Gifts for the Exercise Lover

If there’s an exercise-lover in your life, chances are there’s something he or she wants to make workouts more effective and more fun. A fitness gift can keep you in their thoughts as they enjoy a good workout the rest of the year. Heart Rate Monitor A heart rate monitor is an excellent tool for any exerciser who…

What Is the Best Multivitamin for Women in Their 30s?

With every passing year, you have new things to think about—your next promotion, your family, or your next vacation—but assessing your health should be at the top of your priority list. Why? At different ages, your body starts to lack specific nutrients (yes, it happens to all of us), and if you want to maintain optimum health,…