What Is the Best Multivitamin for Women in Their 30s?

With every passing year, you have new things to think about—your next promotion, your family, or your next vacation—but assessing your health should be at the top of your priority list. Why? At different ages, your body starts to lack specific nutrients (yes, it happens to all of us), and if you want to maintain optimum health,…

Top 5 Dementia Fighting Vitamins and Minerals

  Super Vitamins Below are a few “super-Vitamins” (that, really, aren’t super, they’re just not as prevalent in aging bodies) that may help prevent dementia… Vitamin B1 According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, taking 50 mg of vitamin B1 daily can help treat dementia. Cholinergic neurons are responsible for nerve transmissions in part…

7 Tips for Choosing the Best Protein Powder for You

Protein powders are a quick way to help ensure that your body is nourished and satisfied. People use them for a variety of reasons — to lose weight, to improve sports performance and build muscle mass, and for overall wellness. How do you know which protein powder is best to meet your personal health goals? It’s important to know the difference…

7 Best Multivitamins to Buy for Women

Why do we need vitamins? While many dietary recommendations are beneficial to both men and women, women’s bodies have different needs when it comes to vitamins. Vitamins are essential for your overall health. Getting them in the daily recommended intake(DRI) amounts can be easy if you maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Most women can get all…

The 8 Best Multivitamins for Men to Buy

Men require more of some nutrients and less of others, compared to women. A daily multivitamin can help bridge that gap. Why Are Vitamins Necessary? Vitamins are essential to your overall health. They perform many critical roles in your body, from producing energy to ensuring proper function of bodily systems. Not getting enough of certain…

The 7 Best Protein Powders for Women to Buy in 2018

Fuel your day with the right formula for your needs When it comes to protein powder there is no one size fits all. Since protein can provide a range of benefits including muscle building and weight loss, it is best to choose a formula that targets what you want to achieve and adheres to your dietary…

The 7 Best Protein Powders for Men to Buy in 2018

These versatile protein powders are packed with nutrients for muscle growth Whether you’re trying to reach a new personal record in your workout, looking to gain muscle, or wanting to drop a few pounds, protein powder can help you reach your fitness and wellness goals. The benefits of protein include aiding in muscle recovery and also keeping…

5 Best Vitamins And Supplements For Weight Loss

So what are the best weight loss supplements available on the market Protein Powder Protein plays a couple of major roles in weight loss. First, your body burns more calories metabolizing proteins than it does processing carbs or fat. Click to buy Second, protein helps you build and maintain muscle tissue. Since muscle tissue burns…

7 Workout Supplements That Actually Work

The fitness world is full of a lot of gimmicks and promises because, let’s face it, working out is hard work, and if there’s one thing human history has shown us, it’s that humans love a good shortcut. The truth is, there’s no real replacement for good old-fashioned hard work. When it comes to fitness,…

Top 3 Bodybuilding Multivitamins On The Market Today

It’s no secret that most of the food we eat nowadays is devoid of nutrients. With mono-cropping, GMO’s, and soil depletion at an all-time high, the food that you eat has fewer nutrients than ever. That’s where bodybuilding multi-vitamins come in…BUT, not all multivitamins are created equal. This is true ESPECIALLY when it comes to…