7 Days of Fat-Melting Meals

Meet your new nutrition secret weapons: nuts, eggs, salmon, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, avocado, spinach, berries, whole grains, and dark chocolate. Each of these foods works in a different way to zap fat and make you sleeker, says Neva Cochran, RD, a nutrition consultant based in Dallas. The high protein content of nuts and eggs…

Best 10 Fat Burning Smoothies That Actually Work

A smoothie is a blessing from heaven. It’s a blended, or at times a sweetened drink, which is typically prepared from fruits, vegetables, peanut butter etc. The exceptional ingredients like crushed ice, frozen fruit, honey, syrup and other ice ingredients are also used to make different and magnificent types of smoothies. Some folks use milk and yogurt…

The 5 Rules Of Morning Workouts

Don’t start your day hating life. Launch yourself out the door and get your blood flowing with these morning workouts! Mornings are, to put it bluntly, hell for some of us. The sound of the alarm clock violently ringing in our ears rips us out of rest and puts us instantly in a bad mood….

11 Shocking Signs Your Metabolism May Be Causing Weight Gain

Have you been hitting the gym religiously, getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, and still not seeing any big results? The inability to eliminate those stubborn pounds may be due to a sluggish metabolism. The metabolism is the process by which your body burns energy for the basic bodily functions like the breathing, brain function, and…

Signs Your Diet Works Even if You’re Not Losing Weight

Many of us have been there—watching the numbers on the scale slowly come off until one day, it stops moving. This can cause frustration if we are trying to lose weight, sometimes resulting in discouragement that makes it hard to stay motivated with our diet. Before you give up—take a few minutes to read this…

16 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

What makes a food “zero calories?” The theory of zero calorie foods is that the body will burn more calories metabolizing and cooking the food than the calories the food contains. This is a process called thermogenesis, and it’s how your body heats itself up. So it doesn’t mean that the food literally contains ZERO calories. It…