Boost Your Workout Plan

Not getting the results you want from your exercise plan? If your workout plan needs a boost, then it’s time to go back to basics. You may have skipped some essential steps when you set up the plan in the first place. Check this list of 7 easy things you can do to get your…

ABS Circuit Workout (no gym needed)

I know how hard it is to loose your tummy fat and tone your core muscles. It’s been my main goal for the past 4 years and it still is! I very proudly managed to loose 10 cm within that period of time AND significantly strengthen my core muscles, but I still haven’t achieved my goal (mainly…

10 Minute Home Bodyweight Abs Crusher Workout

We are going to provide you with 9 bodyweight exercises, that consist of using only 10 minutes of your time, to help achieve a defined 6-pack! These moves will force your abs to become strong and defined and you do not need a gym or any equipment. It’s important to warm-up your abs before you…

A Four-Week Gym Routine To Get Big And Lean

Build new muscle mass and strip away belly fat fast to reveal a lean, hard physique in 28 days How much can you transform your torso in just four weeks? A lot – so long as you follow this 16-session training plan to the letter. It’s been designed to work your chest and back muscles…

At-Home Exercise Routine for Busy Moms

3 Quick Exercises You Can Do at Home Wake up and shower, get the kids dressed, make breakfast, pack lunches, find the missing shoe, make two perfectly even ponytails, drive the munchkins to school, pick up the dry cleaning, grocery shopping…all before 9 a.m.! A busy mom’s schedule can be overwhelming and can also be why…

Why Should We Walk More

  People who walk regularly swear by the health and psychological benefits of their daily jaunt. Here are five reasons why they’re right.   1. Walking reduces stress, cheers you up and increases self-esteem   If you’ve ever gone out for a walk in a huff and come back more calm and collected, you know…

Gym Workout Routines For Women

Are you a women interested in toning your body? Are you worried of an excessive accumulation of fats in your body parts? Of course you might want to achieve this without becoming too masculine…If the answer is yes, then worry no more as there are some good news for you! As a matter of fact,…

8 Workout At-home to Lose Weight and Build Muscle

You can build muscle and lose weight all in the privacy of your home so you’re free to sweat in solitude or bring the house down with your favorite workout songs. Because, while there are times when the gym is the perfect respite from a long day at work (you can get in, sweat, get…

The Best Types of Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

  If you’re like most guys, you do cardio to help you stay lean and show off the muscle gains you get from hitting the weights, aka “the usual workout routine.” And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. But when it comes to which type of cardio is best for burning fat, you have to…